The Sonoscape S2 is a low-cost color Doppler system with a 15″LCD monitor with a long list of advanced features such as spacial compounding, speckle reduction, 3/4D function, and panoramic imaging.
The Sonoscape S2 is a low-cost color Doppler system with a 15″LCD monitor with a long list of advanced features such as spacial compounding, speckle reduction, 3/4D function, and panoramic imaging.
The Sonoscape S2 is a low-cost color Doppler system with a 15″LCD monitor with a long list of advanced features such as spacial compounding, speckle reduction, 3/4D function, and panoramic imaging. Unlike other compact systems, the system supports two active probe ports on the system. It looks like Medison R3, but it has a huge advantage thanks to the internal battery.